How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Tech Overload in Customer Relations

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. It is a common, though not consistently recognized, issue. While poorly functioning technology often frustrates users, too much tech can be as detrimental. It can be tempting to think consumers may want a lot of high-tech to speed interactions with your business; tech overload can be a … Read more

Kevin O’Leary: Inflation Is Responsible for Restaurant Closures

O’Leary Ventures chairman and Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary recently weighed in on the issues inflation has been presenting in certain U.S. markets, particularly as it applies to potential homeowners and renters in the housing market. Now, O’Leary is offering his insight into why he believes inflation is to blame for the collapse of another … Read more

Why Every Solopreneur Needs to Embrace AI-Powered Teams

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Being a solopreneur means grappling with the challenge of maintaining efficiency and competitiveness while juggling multiple responsibilities. With rapidly evolving Artificial Intelligence (AI), AI-powered virtual assistants and teams have become a groundbreaking solution for business operations and productivity. These tools enable solopreneurs to extend their capabilities, concentrating … Read more

7 Ways You Might Be Damaging Your Credibility as an Entrepreneur

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. For business owners, few aspects matter more than credibility. Entrepreneurs who don’t take time to maximize their credibility will struggle to win favorable terms with suppliers, attract investors, retain existing clients and land new business. Through personal experience, and the annual B2B BuyerSCAN survey conducted by my … Read more

Blue Origin joins SpaceX and ULA in new round of military launch contracts

Enlarge / Blue Origin’s New Glenn rocket on the launch pad for testing earlier this year. After years of lobbying, protests, and bidding, Jeff Bezos’s space company is now a military launch contractor. The US Space Force announced Thursday that Blue Origin will compete with United Launch Alliance and SpaceX for at least 30 military … Read more

A scientific mission to save the sharks

A hammerhead shark less than one meter long swims frantically in a plastic container aboard a boat in the Sanquianga National Natural Park, off Colombia’s Pacific coast. It is a delicate female Sphyrna corona, the world’s smallest hammerhead species, and goes by the local name cornuda amarilla—yellow hammerhead—because of the color of its fins and … Read more

Ask these Questions to Make Sure Your Company’s Financial Plan Is on Track

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. An annual financial plan can help you regulate cash flow, cut costs, manage taxes and generate growth. But no matter how thorough that plan is, it is important to set up regular checkpoints to review it throughout the year. By June, you should have a good idea … Read more

How to Can Spark Real Innovation By Embracing Cross-Pollination

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Ah, innovation! It is that flair in the entrepreneurs’ eyes, the burning desire in their belly, the wind that supports their startup’s takeoff. But here’s the kicker: Real innovation isn’t just about looking into the future; it is also about considering looking around. Envision a world where … Read more

Report: Food Prices At Disney Have Increased 60% in 10 Years

Over the past several years, inflation has affected everything in American consumerism, from grocery store prices to restaurant closures to wages. Now, a new study is showing that inflation has even affected prices at the Happiest Place on Earth. New data from Finance Buzz shows that prices for concessions at Walt Disney World in Orlando, … Read more